Path to Shine Training Classes

Path to Shine Mentor Training

St. David's, Roswell

Trainers - Lesley Ann Drake and Karen Wall

Click here to view the photo album of the class

Click here to watch the Video Slideshow of the class

Added bonus - a photo album with sound bytes attached to each photo

Mentor Training at St. Clements, Canton and St. Benedict's, Smyrna

St. Clements - Path to Shine Training

Click here to view the photo album

St. Benedict's - Path to Shine Training

Click here to go to the photo album

Click here to watch the video slideshow of the Mentor Training Classes at St. Clements, Canton

Click here to watch the video slideshow of the Mentor Training  Class at St. Benedict's, Smyrna

Path to Shine Affiliates Workshop

August 3, 2019
Held at the Cathedral of St. Philip

Click here to see more photos

Click here to watch the video slideshow 

Links or other parts of the website

Click here for Path to Shine Centers

Click here for Path to Shine Events

 Click here for Path to Shine Training

Click here for Path to Shine Golf Tournament

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